So we had to run out to Laos to renew our visas, but long story short we were not prepared. We managed to each get scammed out of 1000 baht and then stay 3 extra days because a random Laos Holiday. Still it was pretty fun riding around the city and chilling with the SMs who were kind enough to take us in. This is a special blog, because if I'm not in a picture... that means I took the picture. There is one crossover photo--I both took it and am in it. This is a one time exclusive so enjoy it while it lasts.

So while I thought the ol 'stache was resting in peace, it was actually busy reincarnating as a beard. One day it will earn enough merit to break free of the life and death cycles and reach nirvanna.

Riding the bikes around Vientiane. Good times.

This is pretty much Vientiane's Eiffel Tower. Laos was colonized by the French, so you know what that means... there's alot of bread there. We feasted.
Oh I lied, I am niether in this picture nor took it. Brandan took it.

The monument looking all emo.

Me looking all emo.

Classic emo.

The approach.

Beefy kitty cat or something like that.

Control yourself people; its heavily photoshoped.

The Mekong river that seperates Thailand and Laos. Its mostly dried up in this pic.

Joining Brandan's favorite pasttime of photographing kids.

The park.

Taking the mug shot.

The mug shot.

15 second exposure, we had to hold so very still. It was a full moon that night, but sadly we can't document that here.

If I ever run for a political office I'm using this as a publicity shot.

We're losing light people, get the camera in place.

Classic. Thank you Brandan.

A cool monk who spoke a little English.

Our tuk tuk driver.

He was pretty happy about all the money he squeezed out of us rich, pasty farang.

The birth of the "preppy" look: you dress up for church in the morning, take a 2 km walk back home in the blistering heat, turn your collar up on the way to protect the back of your neck from the sun, unbutton the top buttons to expose a few chest hairs and let some heat out, get home and realize just how stylish you are and snap a self portrait.

The return of emo. So so emo in the Mekong River.
emo is the new way of life
ReplyDeleteWhat is all this about Emo-ness? Cleary I don't get it and you're all crazy.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mel, what is all this emo stuff? I'm just glad you have a camera to take all these wonderful shots...when your 50 you will die laughing.