Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Breaking of the Fellowship

So Cory, Brandan and I have been the inseperable trio for the majority of our time in Thailand. Cory was supposed to stay in Bangkok when Brandan and I went to Laos, but he joined us last minute. And then Brandan was supposed to go to the north three days early, but got sick and stuck around longer. But now finally the fellowship is broken. Brandan and I are taking three weeks to travel around the north to gather documentary stories (roughly equivalent to Frodo and Sam going to Mordor to destroy the ring), while Cory (Merry and Pippin) has stayed in Bangkok to keep working on the wall mural. I am right now in a small internet cafe in north eastern Thailand, trying to type with a spacebar that sticks everytime... so this blog is done for now.


  1. Just a lil tip: There's another way into Mordor, aka, going through Shelob's lair.

  2. if I weren't so tired, I'd write something in Elvish about how cool it is that someone else is as nerdy as I am, or that I'm glad someone else still uses LOTR analogies.. but I'm tired. And ever so cool. so I can't be bothered. :)
