We went to Mission College for the weekend and stayed with Prateep. We ate mangoes and did stuff.

Prateeps bike. I managed not to kill myself for the 3 minutes I rode around.


The gang.

Down the zipline with my poofy pants.

Which one doesn't fit?

The only way to travel.

Brandan can't powerslide.

The gang.

Make like a tree and get out of here.

The large mountain. We went up to the Bhudda and then Cory and I decided to brave the jungle and climb all the way up to get the greatest sunset picture ever. We got to the top(ish), but we could never really see out of the jungle, and then it was getting dark and we had to scramble back down before the nightly creatures devoured us. So no picture, but I did almost step on a poisonous green snake and then a huge spider (featured below) almost ate my face.

Getting closer.

1250 steps to the Bhudda? Thats good reason to be all emo.

The spider that almost ate my face.

The gang.

We got a sunset from the Buddha though. Thanks for the awesome weekend Prateep!
one more reason to be emo. I can't powerslide